
Creating Space

Creating Space

‘As above so below, as within so without.’ - The Kybalion

That’s what comes to me when I look at this picture, not seeing the head above the water but what’s beneath the surface. Feldenkrais taught that it doesn’t matter which part you pay attention to - each part it is a reflection of the whole. And in the case of creating space, the act of making space for the class in your weekly schedule, for the recording in case you are not available for the class, creating the space in your home in which to practise, taking the space within your family construct. Allowing yourself to take your space on the floor, and within the class. In so many ways this reflects back to ourselves, inwards to outwards, within without how we make space within our whole being. And how comfortable are we when there is a space. When there is enough space to feel.

The Myth of The Core Continues...

The Myth of The Core Continues...

We live in a changing world.  A time of paradoxes.  Everything we thought we knew has been turned upside down.  It’s easy to be disoriented when we cannot find which way is up.

As I discussed in my last blog, letting go of our attachment to our identity is necessary to find any feeling of flow, and to remove the massive resistance that many of us are experiencing,

We now live in a world where we do not know who to believe when we look around. And it is more important than ever before to find a guidance system which will foster trust not create more anxiety.      This becomes a very big issue when we have adopted beliefs and practises which inhibit our ability to tune our own guidance system.

I’d love to present this in a more palatable way, maybe with a ribbon around it, but the truth is we are screwed if we think the answers we are looking for are going to come from outside us.  We are equally screwed if we continue to dissociate our heads from the rest of our bodies and give creative and reasoning control to the parts above the neck, and keep that prioritised above any other information the body may present us with.

Self Re-Evaluation and Reinvention- Version 457835

Self Re-Evaluation and Reinvention- Version 457835

It's been a while since I've been writing publicly.  Sometimes the silences in between need a little longer than you planned.  Sometimes there is more dust to settle.  And sometimes the storm keeps going, nothing settles, and there is no form to hold onto.  Sometimes you realise you can let the form go entirely, and gradually something completely new begins to emerge.  That process needs it's space.  It happens both at glacial speed and lightning fast.  Before you know it the world looks different, and you look different to the world.


There have been many before and after watershed moments in my life, and this blog represents one of them.  Not one that involves death or relationships.. and yet one that involves both death and relationships.  To allow for a rebirth there had to be a death of the old.  To find new life I had to redefine my relationship with myself...  I'd like to introduce you to Version 457835!

A New year Message from Me to You

I have been really blown away by how many people have been listening to my recordings over the last few months, form all corners of the world.. I have been receiving messages from people who have been affected or inspired or moved by them in all different ways.  So I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you…

Monica Lewinsky, Brené Brown and why we need to talk about Shame

Can you be humiliated to death?  I was struck this week reading excerpts from Monica Lewinsky’s interview in Vanity Fair magazine, (the first time she has spoken of her affair with Bill Clinton) by the power of shame and catastrophic effects it can cause.  That you can actually be humiliated to death, as in the case of 18yr old Tyler Clementi who committed suicide after being filmed kissing another man and having that streamed on the internet. ....