
Self Re-Evaluation and Reinvention- Version 457835

Self Re-Evaluation and Reinvention- Version 457835

It's been a while since I've been writing publicly.  Sometimes the silences in between need a little longer than you planned.  Sometimes there is more dust to settle.  And sometimes the storm keeps going, nothing settles, and there is no form to hold onto.  Sometimes you realise you can let the form go entirely, and gradually something completely new begins to emerge.  That process needs it's space.  It happens both at glacial speed and lightning fast.  Before you know it the world looks different, and you look different to the world.


There have been many before and after watershed moments in my life, and this blog represents one of them.  Not one that involves death or relationships.. and yet one that involves both death and relationships.  To allow for a rebirth there had to be a death of the old.  To find new life I had to redefine my relationship with myself...  I'd like to introduce you to Version 457835!