Sunday Workshop
This is the first in person workshop I’ve done for 2 years.. come and join us on the floor in the beautiful Clock Room at Berkhamsted Town Hall.
I am very happy to be coming back to Berkhamsted for a Sunday morning of Feldenkrais, and I’m hoping to welcome you there.
Spiritual teacher Matt Khan has referred to the times we are living in right now as ‘the quickening’. This resonated with me as I look around and see the speed of change around us, the uncertainty and rewriting happening does certainly seem to speed up and up. And I wonder how we are able to ground throughout these intense times. To return again and again to ourselves, to connection with ourselves, to the physical earth, our physical bodies, even when many of us have physical challenges at the moment.
In my own practice I return again to Feldenkrais. The lessons which rely on me being present to where I am right now. Which ask nothing for me to begin, which accept me wholly in whatever state I find myself in. And which guide me gently to a place of fluid possibility. Where trust emerges, as well as comfort.
For this workshop I will focus on on twisting. The space created in the ribs and spine through gentle twisting movements allows us to breathe, and to embody our own space unlike anything else. It will show up where we hold, protect or restrict ourselves and it gently gives way to another possibility.. where we can be fluid, adaptable and subtly strong.
In this workshop we will use gentle movement sequences and explorations from Feldenkrais and developmental themes from JKA. You will come away with a feeling of connection and flexibility, and a clear idea how to continue the improvement at home.
No experience necessary, beginners welcome, open to all levels of experience. Also suitable for movement practitioners and professional movers.
Booking required. £55.
Please note 48hrs cancellation notice required