Once again I prepare to start my online Feldenkrais classes- I want to invite you to join me making space for this class, for Feldenkrais, for yourself in this beautiful, messy, imperfect, oxygen giving process.
The theme of creating space has been rumbling for me lately after it came up in a recent private session. And I realised it’s such an important part of Feldenkrais and why I practise, that it warranted some deeper dive. And so I bring it into the classes this term, into a workshop in the coming weeks, and I invite you to do the same.
‘As above so below, as within so without.’ - The Kybalion
That’s what comes to me when I look at this picture, not seeing the head above the water but what’s beneath the surface. Feldenkrais taught that it doesn’t matter which part you pay attention to - each part it is a reflection of the whole. And in the case of creating space, the act of making space for the class in your weekly schedule, for the recording in case you are not available for the class, creating the space in your home in which to practise, taking the space within your family construct. Allowing yourself to take your space on the floor, and within the class. In so many ways this reflects back to ourselves, inwards to outwards, within without how we make space within our whole being. And how comfortable are we when there is a space. When there is enough space to feel.
I remember one time early on having an experience after a Feldenkrais lesson that my centre, or ‘core’ had somehow gone. Dissolved. There was nothing there. Nothing to keep me together, or so I thought in that moment. It was not a pleasant feeling actually. I felt some anxiety and it took some time to unpick my beliefs around it, and to get comfortable with this feeling of nothingness, or space- when a known tension wasn’t there any more. I later became more aware of the comfort of familiarity of old tensions, which we can carry like old friends or family members with us. And the freedom and sometimes empty feeling, sometimes joy that can come when we can lose these tensions. And I learned to love the feeling of nothingness that sometimes comes with Feldenkrais, and to long for it when I feel the tensions creeping up on me again.
The last few years I’ve found it more of a challenge creating space for myself, within myself, now that there is a small person to take care of. And this past year- living in 2 countries (England and Amsterdam) I’ve been moving places a lot. Perhaps I value it even more because there is no taking it for granted anymore. The original inspiration about creating space in the lesson that day was about emptying ourselves enough that we can fill up our cup once again. That is the way out of the feeling of being too full to be able to attend. Too rushed, too busy. Spread too thin and undernourished as a result. Neither here nor there. Not being present.
So I bring into this round of classes the intention that this will be an opportunity to create space, to uncover or reveal it where it is hidden. To become aware of the fullness of the tensions within the body and the space that is created when they are allowed to dissolve. To become aware of the perfect mirror of the spaces inside and outside, and to give ourselves the opportunity to grow comfortable when there is a space without needing to fill it immediately. And then to notice what magic can happen when it is nurtured. Is your creativity sparked? Are you more patient with those around you? Do you feel less harried? More grounded? More whole.
There is so much to discover here.
Join me.. weekly on Mondays.
When ?
Mondays 10 - 11 am UK time. Beginning Mon Jan 16th.