Featured Audio
Sidebending- through the midline
This is the lesson I did to start the September term. The lesson begins with a deep attention to the middle, or the midline. It is a way of directing awareness towards our centre, what I think of as our core, or hara/tanden. What I like about this first step is that it takes away a pre-supposition that we begin from a centred place. We begin where we begin. And that is one of the most valuable things about this work. When we can acknowledge, accept and respect that premise, we find that it opens up a door for us to continue the exploration in a very open way. Like it opens another portal. Instead what we often find is that we are in resistance from the moment we start- and the resistance comes when we try to ‘be’ anywhere that we are not. Including ‘in the middle.’
As the lesson develops it accesses the sides in such a 3-dimensional way, giving space to the ribs and breathing, and finding a place of balance from the inside, which is what makes this lesson one that I come back to as part of my own practise again and again.
It is an easing in, revisitng a theme that we dived into before the Summer. So for the regulars its a way of recalibrating after the Summer break. And if you are new it gives a beautiful, very open and gentle way in.
If you are at all unsure do less, then repeat the lesson and you can add a little bit more. If you have discomfort you need to modify the positions.. it should not be uncomfortable at all!
After the lesson you will feel with yourself, embodied or occupying your own space in a way that I think you will find meaningful.
If you are new to this please pace yourself the first time.. the recording is there so you can revisit and go a little more into it at your own pace. Don't try to keep up with me.. use discretion and a sense of humour to know when enough is enough. Remember it's not yoga
You do not need to complete any set number of repetitions, Find your own rhythm with it. Let me know how you go!